We are well into summer now, and many of us are already on our way to becoming bronzed goddesses (or gods). I am even guilty of laying out in the sun, oiled up, while on my vacation in Vegas in May and in my backyard, even though I know the likelihood of skin cancer runs high in my ethnic background. I look better with a tan, what can I say? However, scientists and researchers now believe that sun damage is the #1 cause of wrinkles, not aging. In fact, some even believe that if we stayed out of the sun completely, we would have little to no wrinkling what so ever. Hard to believe at first, but think about the skin of someone who spends the majority of their time in a car. They are only exposing one side of their face to the sun, while the other faces the interior of their car. The side facing the sun sometimes looks 10 years older than the protected side.

Of course, staying hidden away in a basement for your whole life is no way to live just to stay wrinkle free, but there are ways to help keep your skin looking young for life:
- A broadspectrum sunscreen. While it won't stave off wrinkles completely, it is the easiest way to keep sunburn, longterm sun damage, and skin cancer away.
- Protective clothing. Big hats, long sleeves and long pants are best, but not always the most comfortable in summer heat. Stick with a big hat, and channel your inner Samantha from Sex and the City.
- Spray Tan! If you do desire a golden glow, find a DHA and chemical free version, such as Sun FX.
I'd also love to hear any additional suggestions you might have, so please, feel free to comment below. I'm off to buy some big hats and get myself a spray tan!
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